I posted this in the private forum and got only a few responses but I'm looking for some more ...

Long story short, I am a little over 17 weeks pregnant. I had morning sickness from weeks 9-13 (lots of n* and about 4-5 episodes of v*) After 13 weeks I started to feel better ...

Last night around 7pm, I made some fishsticks and tater tots and ate them with ketchup. Around 8:30 I got really n* and thought I needed to have a BM - so I went (wasn't d*) and didn't feel better. I took a 1/2 Phenergan and within seconds I got really clammy and just knew it was going to happen. I went and v* in the sink around 9pm.

*TMI* The v* was mainly ketchup and tiny bits of food *END TMI*

When I was done, I washed up, rinsed my mouth and went on the couch. Took about 30-45 min for me to calm down and my stomach calmed down. A bit later I started to feel slightly hungry but I was so tired, I just went to bed.

When I woke up this morning I feel almost normal ... but I am still having a slight panic. I am still slightly hungry but haven't ate yet. I don't think I have an sv* ... and I think that my dinner just didn't agree ... I think it was the ketchup (acid) ...

I called into work because I'm so freaked out ... All my previous v* episodes with M/S were in the morning and almost immediately after eating ... never happened at night, and not 2 hours after eating!

I just need some advice, reassurance - maybe even from moms who went through pregnancy...