Hey Guys, Im new here. This is my first post. I have been an Emet since I was in 2nd grade. Im 23 now. Its been on and off in terms of intensity. My son who is 4 was sick yesterday. Woke up yesterday at midnight(over 24 hrs ago) throwing up. He threw up 4 times, the last time being at 830 yesterday morning. It so hard having a child that is sick. I did surprisingly well dealing with it. About an hour and a half after the first time he puked I started feeling really sick, and feeling like I could v*. I dont know if it was because I was nervous, or if I had what he had. I didnt v* and no d* but I didnt go to the bathroom because I was scared that I may have it...and I didnt want to know. I was awake ALL night, my son slept in my room on the floor and I held the bowl while he v*. He is 4, there really is nothing else I could have done. I felt better the next morning and finally got to sleep. He is better today, I am still on high alert. I am very nervous that I will get it, if I didnt already have the same night he did. I was around him while he v*, and this makes me so nervous but I had no choice. I have sanitized surfaces and washed my hands, but wasnt very careful the day leading up to him being sick. All this is so nerve wrecking. =(