Every time I turn around someone is getting the sv* in my area and in my circle of friends. It's everywhere right now. My husband and I took my son to the Aquarium yesterday and there were kids EVERYWHERE, naturally. My son was touching the glass and touching EVERYTHING and I was following him around constantly with the Germ X Advanced that supposidly does kill the sv*. I washed his hands maybe 4 times in addition to that, but on several occasions the had went in the mouth. Typical 3 year old. Sigh. I couldn't enjoy myself because I just kept envisioning all the germs that were running rampant there, and some women even had their newborn babies around all of these toddlers. I would be terrified to have done that. My husband kept saying how cute I was running around sanitizing everyone and everything, but I just feel like a crazy person. I HATE this phobia with a passion.