ok, so i live in japan so tomorrow is thanksgiving for us. I have been feeling a little off all day but i thought it was stress. I ate a little lunch. I was ok. Then i made dinner. While i was eating i didnt feel bad but i wasnt great either. Then while i was preparing for tomorrow i started to feel some gas. I used the bathroom and had a normal bm. went back downstairs, finished some other stuff, then felt the gas again and needed to come back up and go again. i had D. now i am freaking out cause i was feeling a little bit of nausea before the D and now i am feeling a LOT of nausea. I still have a whole meal to prepare and i just dont feel like it. I keep swallowing trying not to V. If i had a virus i wouldnt have been able to eat at all at dinner right? why all of a sudden? Please someone help me! i am panicking and my family is downstairs oblivious to what ia m doing or how i am feeling