Hi, my name is Kate. I'm 24 years old and a graduate student going to school to be a high school English teacher.
I've been battle emetophobia since I was about 10 years old. My parents got divorced and when I was 11 I was sexually abused by my father. Since then, I've experienced crippling anxiety off and on, ranging from fear of leaving my house, to cutting and hurting myself, to completely debilitating panic attacks. But, somehow I've battled all of those and come out on top. This is not the case with the emetophobia. I'm terrified and I feel completely alone. I don't know anyone else who has this problem, and I feel like I can't relate to anybody. I'm starting some very intense therapy tomorrow, and I need to beat this. I need to get better.
I will be posting on here with my progress, and i could use as much encouragement and love as possible. God bless the Internet and the ability to communicate with people like me.
I'm open to all advice too. I have to beat this.
Thank you so much. Just typing this made me feel a little better. <3