So, for about a week I have been feeling abnormally gassy. Last night it started at about 11 pm where I started to feel pretty bad gas pains in my upper and lower stomach and nausea followed it of course. I had the gas and the nausea the entire night and couldnt sleep. This morning I woke up with pretty bad stomach pain but not as much nausea. I have had normal bowel movements but everytime I eat I get pretty nauseous for like an hour and then it starts going away. The gas is persisten though. It has literally been constant all day. It is relieved when I pass gas but always comes back. It's terrible and really uncomfortable. Plus my stomach is rumbling and gurgling a lot (which it has been doing a lot for the past week). Do you think this is a virus? WOuld I have had diarrhea or thrown up by now? I'm pretty nervous about it and just want it to go away. I have been feeling like this for almost 24 hours straight.