So i think that its interesting the past few days i have had where all my panic has slowly brewed again. I have done nothing different, except use this website more frequently than usual.

I think that myself and many other users are trapped in a cycle of feeding each others fear. Sure this is a place to vent, to seek support. But i am finding that it is a pool of collective fear that spills over into my life and honestly, last week when i hardly logged on was possibly the best week of my life since i can remember even before joinig this forum. I am not having a dig at the concept of this community but frankly i think the less inclined i am to use it is probably better. As much as i wish to help people it is unfortunately not always in my best interests. Its nice knowing there are people goin through similar issues, but unnecessary stress is unnecessary. Does anyone agree with me on this? Again im not trying to be untactful but i am having a mood tonight, and i need to express my discontent rationally. I and everyone else here hates this bitch of a phobia, but visiting the emetophobia forum just feels like an invitation to panic sometimes.
Rant over and out.