Living with emetophobia is like trying to wrestle with a ghost. Never knowing when and from which direction you are going to be attacked.
A person with a fear of heights, can for the most part avoid them. Also similar for many other phobias. But how do you avoid hardy, microscopic viruses, which are constantly mutating and that can be anywhere, anyplace at any time? Sure the hand washing, proper hygiene, careful food handling, etc. may help you avoid illness, but as careful as you are, all it takes is a family member to bring it home and there you are...facing your biggest fear right in your own home and brought to you by those you love the most. It's a strange sensation to fear, resent and want to run from the very people you love most on the planet. But you do. Then usher in the guilt for having such feelings. Added to that the fact that these viruses usually rear their ugly heads around the holiday seasons when you want to be able to rest, relax and enjoy family and friends.

End of rant for now