Well, I've made the decision to try and quit smoking again.
I've quit before in the past-once due to pregnancy and three times cause I wanted to. Obviously nothing really worked and I always ended up smoking again. But I really have to get serious about this. I'm 41 years old and have been doing it for quite a while. If I don't, it's not a question of will I get cancer, but when. I've tried the patch and it really messed with me, even the lightest dose. Chantix doesn't sound like it would be a good fit what with my emet, anxiety and ED tendencies.
I've heard some interesting things about vapor cigarettes and of course my first thought is "will they make me v?" but from what I've read it doesn't sound like a common side effect. does anyone here have any first hand experience with vapor cigarettes? I'd like to hear any stories-good or bad.