Not related to emet. anxiety at all, just curious! I get crazy cravings for chips and chocolate-- ones that basically don't go away unless I have said items. It's bad. Get super sore boobs. Gain 3-5lbs in the week before, which I lose almost immediately after getting period. Get super tired, and need to sleep a lot more. And weirdly enough, I think I'm opposite to most-- I get loose poo before, and then get constipated as soon as that time actually hits. Also hubby would tell you I get much more mood swingy- which is huge for me cuz I'm a pretty even keeled person mood wise. Almost always pretty happy. That's the one time my inner bitch comes out. My friends love it for some reason.. I think I just can be mean. Not good. Also cry. at the drop of a hat. a lot. And finally-- dizzy/light headed quite a bit in the days before, or a day or so after my period is done-- have wondered if this might be a slight iron deficiency.

Anyways. Biggest thing is wondering if anyone else gets light headed or dizzy before their period, and if they've had any testing done on whether it's iron deficiency? I'm thinking to get tested for that when I go into the doc for my next physical. Curious about other's experiences, and for those that are anemic, what their symptoms are!