So, last Thursday my 5 year old had a sv*. I was at work and my mom/dad tended to him.
He got mad at my 6 year old Friday and blew into his face.
Saturday morning around 4 am, my 6 year old v**..once.

Now, my father told me he's getting sick. It just hit him, not v*** , YET.

I hope he's okay, and it's just my sister in law's cooking..

This will be the third sv*** my 5 year old has brought home since this school year.
IS IT MAY YET? I'm so ready for my loves to be OUT of school.
Now, i'm just hoping my 2 year old doesn't get it, which i found him drinking out of my 6 years old drink today while i went to the car. UGH.

I hate it.. i hate it.. I hate it..