Sorry to be posting so much lately, my body seems to be going kinda crazy haha. But anyways, my period was a week early last month (according to my bc pills) and now it is has been about 28 days since my last period so I should be starting it anytime now. I'm worried because for the past three days I have had this really gross nauseous feeling on and off throughout the day. Yesterday and today has been the worst. I have this constant small nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach and then about every 30 min it gets super intense and I feel super sick for about a minute and then it dies down again. It's terriblle! I'm pretty sure it's not a virus but of course I am still a little worried about it. Anyways does anybody know what this could be or have any advice on how to feel better? I usually am nauseous on my period but it usually starts the day before my period and then I get my period the day after. This has been going on for 3 days straight and still no period! :/ Any advice? Should I be worried?