So I woke up yesterday feeling a little nauseated. Then about two hours later I was out running errands with my two small children and I suddenly had to use the restroom. I have explosive d* 3 times in one hour, and some of it had hard balls in it. It was very watery. It felt like I was peeing out of my butt. Sorry, I know, TMI. I took some Pepto and an Ativan for my nerves and the d* compeltely stopped. Just some gas. Then I woke up feeling fine today and lo and behold had d* again, just one time though. I took Pepto again but my stomach is gurgling and gassy. What the heck do I have???!!! My kids aren't sick and I wash my hand adamently in public. I know its not Noro because I always v* with that. COuld it be IBS? Stress? Food poisoning?? I don't feel sick just a lot fo stomach grumbles and d*. I am panicked to go in public in case I have to run to the bathroom.