Okay, I normally don't post on here, and have been doing pretty dang well with my anxiety lately, but randomly tonight got anxious and am now wondering- so this is a poll I guess of sorts.

I had a half a chicken breast that I cooked Wednesday evening. It went straight into the fridge, and my fridge is kept at 32 degrees. I ate the last half tonight for dinner, and got nervous soon after. I suspect it's cuz I have to make a trip to pick up people from the airport tonight and it's that whole- not in control of where I can be what if I get sick while I'm out thing.

Is 3.5-4 days too long? I know there are some on here who are nervous about chicken period.. looking to see what the general thoughts are. I've taken a double dose of apple cider vinegar anyways (just in case there WAS a chance of fp) but I suspect I'm just being overly paranoid.
