I was doing fine, not panicking about getting a virus, but then now that I'm back at school everybody is talking about the flu they had over Christmas break. Some people just had the normal respiratory flu while others had the stomach flu. All my teachers are talking about it. My problem is, is it really necessary to go into every detail? It bothers me, not even only as an emet, but I really don't want to hear all the details of the bodily functions. I'm sure I'm a big fat hypocrite, because I share my ups and downs on here, but I hypocritically say that I think it's different... wow, I feel like a total ass, but it's what I'm feeling right now!

I had a stomach ache last night and now I'm just panicking. As of today, I'm just so nervous. None of my close friends are, or have been sick with it thankfully, and my family is in the clear. I shouldn't be panicking, but the principal announced district wide that there are two serious virus' going around and we need to a) wash our hands frequently (no brainer!) and b) stay home when we're sick!

It's this time of year when my emet hits again, badly, because every little dizzy spell or stomach ache, I just go to the worst possible scenario. Last night was my worst panic attack in awhile, I ended up taking Ativan and Gravol (the drowsy kind for the first time in ever) because I couldn't calm down and stop pacing.

I put the trigger warning in the title just because we all have different sensitivity levels. I know that reading about these things can really be triggering. I like how I'm talking about how people keep talking about it, and here I am. So, sorry for my immense hypocrisy.