hi everyone,
i'm a 32 year-old single mother to an 11 year-old boy. i've struggled hardcore with emetophobia since i was about 12 or so. i cant believe that there are so many others just like me.. and not even with the same phobia, but who actually think just like i do! my best friends are called ginger and bonine.. i take them often and always. i'm sick of being laughed at and picked on for this stupid thing.. its so nice to see that there are others.. and so many others.. just like me. no one understands what its like to live with this constant fear of the people around you. i can read an article about someone halfway across the world v* and i immediately think i'm going to catch it. my poor baby.. he gets a cold and i freak out. he's really good about it most of the time but i have to be careful with him; he's also good at manipulating my fear.. kids.. sheesh

anyway.. its nice to meet you all and i'm so happy to not feel alone anymore!