Hi there!

So I am at work today and one of our older employees called into to say he won't be coming in because he "thinks" he got food poisoning from a schezwan restaurant.
But who knows for sure? Sometimes people get noro and they think it's food poisoning and vice versa....
Now I'm sure he is going to come in tomorrow and now i am scared!!! I will have to really watch myself in the next couple weeks now. I have gotten away so far with no one in my office having it, and now he will come in and might possibly have it and be shedding the virus everywhere
He is in a different department than i, and our desks are not close to eachother, but still! If he does have it, it will be in the office and contagious and then everyone will get it!

you know us emets, how our minds work, we always think of the worst outcomes.
What to do, what to do,...6 more weeks until flu season is over... almost there.