Greeting everyone,

I read a little about emetophobia, but I'm not very sure if I'm having it or I have something els. I'm suffering from it for about 16 years. I'll explain what I'm facing in detail as much as I can so any expert could tell me if I have emetophobia so I can proceed the conquer and suggested techniques or search again to know what exactly I have to cope with it correctly.

I read that a emetophobic suffers from panic attack symptoms which include heart beating, sweeting, difficulty in breathing and trembling. I have some of those which are heart beating, sweeting, difficulty in breathing, but I don't tremble. My knees don't shake, but i have terrible feeing in my stomach.
However, I don't care about the food cleanliness. I'm not obsessive about washing my hands. In a matter of fact I don't wash my hands and I don't care about germs.
Moreover, the things that most emetophobic afraid from, as I read, is they are going to lose control, faint, feel they are in danger, die, or going crazy. I don't have those thoughts either.
What I'm suffering from is the vomiting pain and the thoughts come with it (when I'm a lone). I don't want to humiliate my self, being disgusting or annoying other people when I'm with people I know or I don't.
I'll make it easy for you to understand what I'm facing, if someone bring a black plastic bag and ask you to look inside, when you did, you saw a human pieces cut aggressively. What will any normal person do? YES, they vomit without a second thought. That what happens to me when I face a situation very far from bing scary or in danger. Recently, if I'm in the middle of normal conversation, those anxiety thoughts pop up in my head and eventually I vomit or run away from this situation. Then I may vomit or may not.

I hope I made my self clear.

So, do you think I have emetophobia or it is some thing els or you need more information?

Advice me please. I didn't go to the work for 5 weeks because I don't want to talk or listen to any one which could lead to vomiting or avoiding situation. I wished to die several time just to get rid of this distressful feeling.

Please feel free to give me any further advice I may need to get conquer from it. I downloaded the emetophobia recovery system and I don't know from where or how to start.

Best regards,
