Hello all,

First of all, I'm new to this forum and it seems like there are a lot of really nice people out there willing to help. It's nice to see a little humanity in the world.

Now to get to the point, I'm interested in starting exposure therapy for emetophobia. However, it's mostly a fear of losing control that causes my phobia. When I get really panicky, 95% of the time its because I'm afraid of losing control while v*. Another 1% of the time its migraines, another 1% its passing out, 1% its not being able to communicate, 2% its any number of things that could incapacitate me. I figure if I can tackle the big 95% phobia, it obviously would be a huge achievement and it might be easier to overcome than a general fear of losing control.

Has anyone had any experience with this kind of situation?

Many thanks