I'm so terrified that what I'm feeling is the beginning of SV, and just want a clear perspective. I can't tell if what I'm feeling is IBS, anxiety, SV/n, or what!
I've been having lots of IBS symptoms the past couple days with lots of bloating and feeling backed up. All day yesterday I had terrible discomfort in my lower belly but today it's changed to like a combo of indigestion, n*, feeling gassy, and sharp pain all in my upper left side. I haven't had any d and I've been feeling this way for at least 8 hours-it hasn't really gotten worse.
I've read posts from other members who said their SV started with upper abdomen pain so of course I can't get that out of my head. If this were SV, would I have had other symptoms or would it have gotten progressively worse by now?
I would chalk it up to IBS, except my emet brain won't let this SV thought go.
Please let me know your thoughts......I'm away from home without my usual support structure to turn to.