Hello to all!

I am just thinking/excessively worrying right now about something that happened a few days ago. I was eating a cinnamon roll with a fork and absent-mindedly surfing the internet when out of nowhere, I bit down on the fork really hard.

Immediately I panicked, worrying that all of my front teeth would be gone if I looked, but nothing appeared to be wrong and thought I had lucked out, until the last few days that I have been experiencing a lot of discomfort near my molars and I was too scared to really investigate it, but tonight finally had to face that there may be a crack in one.

It is very uncomfortable to chew, on either side and just miserable all around, so of course, looks like it's the dentist for me even though it has been years as I'm terrified of going. And I have taken ibuprophen and used some anesthetic on it but the overall discomfort is not going away. Has anyone done this before, or chipped a tooth some other way, and if so, what kind of dental procedure and treatment did it require?