On Tuesday night, I kept waking up with intense stomach cramps and chills. I had mild n*. I'm 31 weeks pregnant. I started feeling what felt like rhythmic cramps and my uterus would tighten and then release. I called my doctor and she advised me to go to labor & delivery. They monitored my baby and my uterus. I still had this deep, deep pain under my belly button. I got up to pee and BAM, complete d*. I started to panic, telling the nurses I was an emet and I couldn't throw up. Because I was having uterine contractions and diarrhea, they hooked up up to IV fluids and I was there for hours. I had d* every 30 mins to an hour that was preceded by the deep cramping. I had some n* but it was quite mild. I did not eat but I did chew on ice and sip ginger ale and water (very little sips). I went home and slept for about 14 hours. I woke up and still have d*, but I feel my strength is up. Was this a virus? When should I try to eat and what?