I'm at work as we speak. One of my coworkers came back to work yesterday. She has been throwing up for 5 days straight, god only knows WHY she came back while still sick, but today the smell of the food apparently got to her and she started feeling sick again. She breathed in mine and my managers face (she was doing a sigh, like deep breathing) because she thought she was going to be sick again. She hadn't thrown up here today yet, but I went to check on her in the bathroom and she started getting sick so I left really fast. My question, is if she breathed, like blew air in my face, will I catch it? Oh and me and manager touched the computer screen that my coworker had already been touching. We washed out hands for a good min, and then she handed me a chip to try out our new dip. Will I catch it that way as well? I am freaking out someone help me!!! Its only my 3rd day of work