Hi guys,

I've been having a super tough time this week, and I know you all will understand!
So I came back to TN after my spring break at home in MA. I was super excited to be back because the weather here is a lot more spring-like than up North. Unfortunately, it seems that the *SV is spreading rampantly here now and I'm just miserable. First on Monday, someone in my class asked my anatomy professor how his break was, and he said "awful, because my wife and I had a terrible *SV for the first half, and my infant son had it for the second half." He then proceeded to pass back a ton of papers that he was grading over break (which I promptly recycled, lol) and now all I can think of is him spreading this virus to all of his students. Luckily I didn't take my papers out with me, so hopefully I'll be ok.
Then, yesterday my social work professor showed up and said "sorry if I'm a little off today guys but I was up all night being puked on." Her 6 year old daughter was apparently up sick all night and then of course my professor had to come to class in the morning...grrr! I was on the complete other side of the room from her and didn't touch anything she touched, but I'm still paranoid that I'm going to get it.
To top it all off, one of my friends is from Knoxville, TN (I'm in Nashville, about 2.5 hrs west) and she said that the *sv has just exploded there with tons and tons of people having it. I'm not going to be home again until the year is over on April 29th, and I just feel like I can't make it. I've literally had a countdown to March 1st all semester, thinking that with the warm weather here, that's when we'd start to be in the clear. Now, that's obviously not happening and I just feel like sitting in a corner and crying.
Please give me some reassurance!! I really don't know what I'd do without you guys!