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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Dunedin, NZ

    Angry Stupid pukey woman needs a brain!!

    My 11 yr old son is bullied alot but has made a lovely friend, who is also bullied and so the friendship is a very nourishing one for both boys. I, therefore, have been making every effort to encourage it, including supporting the boys mother (husband just left her). Now before I go on, I need to explain that I've given up ALL social interaction outside of grocery shopping and dropping my daughter off at school. My world, like alot of you, has just immediate family in it, very rarely do people come to our house (aside for kids best friends who, fortunately, all happen to be 'only childrenp) otherwise our children tend to socialize more at school nearby, or at friends places, and I do everything in my power to keep it that way. Well as I said, I have been helping this woman through her break up (by phone and texting) and confessed to her that I am Emet. It has come up a few times, now and she even saw me fall apart when my daughter V at school gate on FridThis woman just showed up at my house out of the blue an hour ago to visit me (scary enough because she doesn't seem very clean as a person IYKWIM). in she came talking about how she'd been up all night with toothache and that she'd taken some panadol to stop the pain which has made her feel really sick, and as she was babbling itabout the school fete, she kept gagging, right there in my kitchen. I told her where the washroom is and I panicked and tried to lead her to her car but she kept talking, gagging, talking and then it happened, she suddenly moved out onto our deck, with plenty of time to have gone further away, and with my girls paddling pool with daughter and water toys to one side and two clothes racks filled with washing and all the childtens scooters and trikes (all within 2-4 feet), she leant over and V'd!! in my garden!! well, I went into panic immediately, she V'd while the kitchen door was open, daughters morning tea picnic basket on bench and our shoe basket next to the door. She said "sorry, I was hoping that wouldn't happen". I suggested that maybe she was a bit unwell, and she said, "gee, I hope not, the last thing she needed was 3 sick kids!". "Funny that“ I thought, "the last thing I needed was someone 'popping by and puking in my garden'. Grrrrr, I can't live like this, I'm already beside myself about anyone getting daughters bug. If only I didn't answer the door. I seriously nearly said some really bad stuff to her! If that's acceptable to her, I wonder how my son should be friends with her son?!?!! Aaah, I can't stop shaking, and don't know what to clean first! Sorry, that turned into a rant!

    **Anyone reading this for the first time, I wrote this post in a blind panic about the incident and, although I wrote some ott stuff, I was simply venting. Like when we say "I would rather die", my comments were written in a deeply distressed state after hearing that there was a chance of it possibly being an sv, and V'ing 2 ft from my baby. Xx
    Last edited by Mamafear; 03-19-2013 at 10:24 PM.
    Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

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