So, my roommate got up last night about 4 a.m. and went to the bathroom, or so I stupidly presumed. I woke up before her and went to class and she was still sleeping.
I just found out that she had a sv! She doesn't know about my fear so I am trying with everything in me to not freak out in front of her. I touched EVERYTHING in the bathroom this morning because I didn't think anything of it. I rubbed my eyes like usual, and I had to touch all the doorknobs, everything. I was supposed to go out tonight and I was really excited because it's Easter weekend, and now I've cancelled plans because I'm sitting around waiting for it to hit me. I feel like I'll be up all night in a panic and I have a two hour drive home tomorrow (I live in a dorm). I don't have any bleach and I can't drive to get some. We have some bathroom cleaner that claims to have bleach but it's not bleach itself.
I don't feel like I can handle this right now. I have so much stress for school and graduation and now I feel like it's inevitably going to happen today or tomorrow and I'm terrified. I have no prescriptions to stop anything, or v*, from happening. I've lost my entire appetite from panic and I doubt I'll even handle dinner tonight.
Is there any advice to help me deal with this? I would give anything to not have this fear.