Does it get easier to deal with stomach viruses in the house as your kids get older? Do you feel you handle it better the more you've gone through it? Ever since my kids started preschool 2 years ago I've been very anxious every day. I worry about taking them to school, I worry about them at night if they will wake up sick, my heart races every morning until I see they are ok...after almost completing 2 years of preschool my son brought home the first stomach virus. and my daughter got it 4 days later (they're twins). I was able to take care of them. But I was so panicked on the inside. I cleaned like an absolute nutcase, I was insane about how they wiped and washed their hands after even a week after they were better, I could sense my crazy anxiety affecting them. I've had so many borderline panic attacks. I am so completely overwhelmed thinking about them being in kindergarten full time next year, and how I will survive this every year after. I see that I did it, but that doesn't help. If you have older children, has it gotten easier, or are you still an anxious mess?