Saturday we had Easter with my husband's side of the family. My nephew who is 9 months old was there and he puked at least 10 times while we were over. We even ended back at my sister in-laws house so she could bathe the baby and change him because they ran out of changes of clothes. It wasn't spit up. He was literally throwing up and he did it every hour or sometimes more. I felt so bad for him and I was proud of myself for not running out of the room but at that point i was already exposed because he threw up multiple times only about 4 ft or less away from me. No use running at the point because it's too late. It willhave been 48 hours come 4 o'clock today that Hubby and I and the whole other 13 people that were there were exposed. So far i don't know that any of us including his parents and grandparents that cleaned him up each time and got puked on has gotten it. I hope it's from teething or an ear infection and wasn't a virus but it's over now. They gave him pedialyte and soy milk the next day and he quit puking. I just hope the rest of us do not get it. I don't want to ruin my streak. The last time i got it though was because someone threw up multiple times in the office i was working in. I really really hope i don't get it. That time i got it within 8 hours of her being sick in the office along with about 30 other people who caught it that same night around the same time. Does anyone have any positive stories about how their kid had noro and they cleaned it up and was around it all night and never caught it. My mom never caught it from us kids. I thought she had super powers haha. She caught it a couple times and us kids didn't catch it from her. So weird. I just need someone to give me advice...will i catch it. Should i be worried? I don't know what to think haha.