Had a huge triumph the other night! I went to a friend's house party she was having for her birthday, and let's just say it was a fucking vomit fest. EVERYBODY but about 4 of us including me (I didn't have a drink) were vomiting everywhere, was horrible! But emet didn't kick in. I was grossed out and walked off, but didn't panic at all! Managed to stay the whole party without a single panic attack! That's the first time I've done that since about July 2011 and I had a brilliant time! The best bit is though, another girl there had a severe anxiety disorder (not emet) and she had a panic atack where she fainted, so me and the host carried her to an empty room and I used my magic to calm it off with her! I never knew how scary a panic attack looked like from the perspective of someone who wasn't having it was, but god it was heartbreaking! She was screaming, crying, hyperventilating, having tremors etc etc and I got her completely out of it, words can't explain how proud I am of myself after that night Plus another girl came down with what I think might've been an sv but I didn't even flinch. She just said she had a bad stomach ache all day and went to bed, but I didn't worry one bit! Just proof that emet can go away even just for a bit