[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]Hello everyone I am new to this site and need help!I have had my fear of thowing up under
control for the last 14 years.Just reacently.Ihave had problems with my
knee.I went to my family Doctor and he said it was inflamitioin and
treated me for it .I still had problems so I took my wifes advice and
saw a Sports Orthipedic Doctor.He did an MRI of my knee and it showed a
tear in my Cartilage in the right knee.But he did not belive the pain I
was haveing was from this.So he has me going to theraphy 3 times a week
for 3 weeks,and this is the last week.I am supposed to go back to the
Doctor this Wednesday for follow up.The theraphist says this past
Thursday that the treatments should have helped by now.It has helped
some.But my behind the knee is sore.The theraphist has talked to the
Doctor and she asked me how I would feel about an exploritory scope
surgery.The thought of surgery and anesthesia and being sick at my
stomach has made me a nevous reack.I have been haveing Panic
attacts,and I have not even talked to the Doctor yet.I even dread to
tell him my condition.I don"t know if I can go thru with surgery or
not.Can anyne help?