This morning I was doing my hair and I was counting my blessings. I was thinking it was nice to get through stomach flu season and nobody in my family caught it. I felt good and life was good. Not less than an hour later my mom texts me and says that she was up all night with diarrhea. She said my grandpa had been up all night with it too. He lives in a different house than her. Neither one of them saw each other since sunday which is the last time I saw both my mom and grandpa as well. I hope they didn't catch it from each other sunday because then I will be next. I am glad they are not throwing up but I am equally afraid of Diarrhea anymore. Which is how i've decided my fear is more that I'm afraid of sickness ruining my plans. I'm a busy person and I hate my schedule changing and if i get sick i have to cancel things or things become inconvenient. That's where my fear comes from for the most part. And I hate throwing up... that's for sure so that fears a little deeper but still.

I have a play downtown to go to tonight, church tomorrow, a concert on thursday and a retreat on friday into saturday. I don't have time to get sick and I would be so embarassed if i got sick at any of these things and it's a long way home from all of these things. I'm just a nervous wreck now. I know i'm not around my grandpa or my mom and haven't been since sunday so I don't think i can catch it from them but I feel like if they can catch it at random so can I... ugh. My grandpa hadn't even left the house all day yesterday so there is nowhere to have picked it up. I mean maybe they picked it up at church because a few people had people in their houses that were sick and had stayed home but still... yikes. Okay end of rant. I just had to put my nerves and anxiety down on paper.