I try so hard to stay positive during the winter but I find I'm faking it almost 24/7 from November to March. But we're into April and what the heck??? This noro season just won't stop and I'm so so tired of being afraid all the time.

I guess I could just really use just a positive and hopeful word or two from some kindred spirits. I usually grab on to statistics and try to cling to the fact that my risk is very low due to my OCD hand washing, food washing/cooking, and how I rarely ever leave my home. But I read of outbreaks in retirement homes and schools an hour to three hours away from where I reside and all my common sense crumbles. I think after five months of non-stop alert, OCD, worry, and terror ... I'm just too exhausted to find that reasonable voice in my head anymore.

(please - if you feel the need to tell me you have had it or have it or have a frightening story to tell - don't tell me. Please )

Anyone? Any positive words? Any words of reason to help calm me? I'm just so tired I want to cry.