I'm sorry I've been posting so much. This isn't really a panic post, I don't feel well but I've just had a day from hell. I've been real sore for a couple of days, I over did it at the gym the other day and I can hardly lift my arms. Well today was my husbands birthday and my moms. But mom is no longer with me, she passed 3 years ago. Even her birthday messes me up. Finding her the perfect gift, making her favorite banana nut cake. Well I had a lot to do today and trying to find my husband a gift, he's extremely hard to shop for. We didnt have a good start. He left for work without even saying goodbye and he is suppose to be gone for a week. It hurt. I texted him happy birthday and that I loved him and I got thanks. I was so mad and hurt. He tried to make me feel bad, by saying I was saying hurtful things to him and I didn't say anything except how insignificant he made me feel by not even saying goodbye. If that's hurtful and mean then I guess I'm guilty. I went to the gym thinking working my sore muscles out would make me feel better. But I just ended up feeling dizzy on the treadmill. I left my oldest son in charge. I just got to the top if the gym to do weights and stuff when my middle son called and said can you come home? Noah choked on pizza. I asked if he was ok and he said yeah he's at chandlers. I was confused so I quickly finished what I was doing, rushed down the stairs, got my things and headed out. I took my scooter because the gym gets so packed I didn't feel like trying to park my bug truck. I waited forever for people and cars. A guy finally let me through so I sped off and here comes a car headed right toward me. I squeezed my brake so hard it jarred me forward and I hit the throttle and partly ran over my leg. The tire was still moving on it so I have tire burn. I come home my kids are at his friends house playing basketball, my little one is playing with their hose and the grandma was watching him. I get him go home tell my son his weekend privileges are off. Go in the house my other son is staring at the TV playing XBox. I told him to turn it off. I got so angry and told them if I can't have any privileges then they aren't either. I'm not a strict mom. But I don't do anything for myself except this past month going back to the gym. They don't pull that crap when my husband is home. So I've had it. This was a horrible day. And to add to it I got a migrane. And I took all my pills so my stomach hurts. I'm in bed with a headache a bellyache, anxiety, nerves are shot, I'm upset, I'm hot, no blanket I'm cold. And my baby is asleep next to me sounding like he has a cold.

I really hate my life mist days. But this day has made the top of the list.