Why is it that some days my anxiety is hardly there and other days I feel a nauseous feeling in my throat all day and can hardly eat?! Well this is one of those days. I have barely been able to eat because I feel like gagging whenever I drink or swallow a piece of food. However, I know I'm not actually SICK because I can tolerate the sight and smell of food... pretty sure my stomach is growling as well. It's just this weird gagging feeling I get in my throat whenever I experience anxiety! Not sure why it's so strong today...

I'm a little on edge because last night at dinner I had 2 margaritas and the last time I V* was a morning after having 4 margaritas.... so this was the first time drinking them again. Drank them much slower this time and ate dinner. Was fine all night... this was over 24 hours ago so obviously I am fine but so anxious over it and can't eat because I feel like gagging. Ugh- make it stop!