When they don't know what is causing it. I'm there right now with my daughter. I was last here on the board back around the end of March after a VERY long month of sick kids and sick family. The last week of March before Easter, my youngest daughter was SO sick with strep and what they thought was a stomach virus. But I don't think it was, b/c nobody else caught it except her. It lasted over a solid week. She wasn't back to herself until the day after Easter. She missed school before spring break and we spent the whole break recooperating. She went back after Break and was fine. Until this past Saturday night. Once again she started complaining about bad tummy pain and was v* all night. Severely. Hubby and I were worried so we took her to the pediatric ER Sunday AM. They gave her IV fluids with Zofran. Everything stopped immediately. They thought she might have a kidney infection, b/c there was some markers of bacteria in her urine sample. So they gave her IV antibiotics and she was fine. I mean BACK TO HERSELF by Sunday night. Monday I kept her home, once again she was herself. Eating, drinking, playing, etc. No problems. Gave her the antibiotics they sent home and she was ready to go back to school today. She went back this AM. Clinic calls at Noon, she's there complaining about her stomach again. I groan, here we go again. Bring her home, she v* once, so we troupe back to the pediatrician. They run more tests, double check with the ER lab results, everything is normal. EVERYTHING. No kidney or urinary infection, no bacteria, no abnormalities in the blood work nothing. So once again, I have a sick child and no reason for it. Doctor doesn't feel it's viral either, b/c no d* or any other symptoms. No strep, that test was negative too. Now we are home again and she is fine AGAIN. Stomach pain is gone, n* is gone. She's STARVING to death (so she says) and thirsty. She's keeping down fluids and dry cereal and crackers no problem. Doctor wants me to try Zantac, thinking it could be reflux. If not that, could be cyclical vomiting syndrome or migraines. I don't know and I hate that...the not knowing is what is killing me now....I'm at my wit's end. I don't want her to miss more time for school and she's tired of being sick and missing school which she loves. I don't know which way to turn now. Just looking to vent. As if the emet. isn't bad enough, but I have a child who suffers from these random episodes of v* and no reason why.....