You you ever hit turbulence on a plane and get scared that you'll throw up? I was on a flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Los Angeles, California and over Greenland, there was horrible turbulence that woke me up, I checked on the girl im in love with but it aint mutual, then it hits even stronger aand the whole plane is shaking up and down, and side to side and all over the place,. It was like a 10 minute long 9.5 mag. earthquake and people started lining up to v* in the washrooms. Luckily I had a window seat and I'm not prone to airsickness but another girl who sat 2 seats away from me in an isle seat almost got sick but she calmed down and she felt fine, and a few rows back, this one girl was hung over from doing shots with the Canadian group the night before and she v* at the airport and on the plane, but there were NO air sickness bags on the plane, other than that, Lufthansa is a pretty nice airline to fly, but has anyone been in a situation like this?