I live with my boyfriend who is in sales and travels a lot because of them. He left for Colorado last Sunday and came back today (Saturday). Tuesday night he and his coworker took a customer of theirs to dinner at a Chinese restaurant. Wednesday morning he called me and said he felt absolutely awful and he got sick (both v* and d*) for the next 5 hours. By the afternoon he was due to check out of the hotel he was at and drive a few hours to the next hotel. By then he was okay enough to travel although he didn't enjoy it... Of course! He stayed in the new hotel all day Thursday and even ate a bit. But then Friday he said he felt a little sick again! I guess Friday he had some more d* the coworker he was traveling with was in close quarters the whole time ie, the same hotel room and traveled in the same car, and the coworker hasn't gotten sick... Yet. I had read online that sv can't be transmitted through saliva, so when my bf got home this morning I gave him some kisses and hugs and laid down in our bed with him for awhile. I don't know why I couldn't resist! I guess because I don't have kids I don't understand the feeling of caring about someone so much that you would be in a close vicinity to them after they've been ill.
However, NOW I am freaking out!!! I feel like I am doomed to catch this from him because I kissed him and was close to him! Even though I have not touched my face or food before washing my hands all day and I have made him wash his hands every time he has used the restroom i still feel so scared! Of course I have a super busy week at work ahead and I know I will have anxiety for a full two weeks until this has passed with no one else getting sick!! Just feeling so bummed about it. It's times like these I wish I had never learned about all the different preventions and facts about noroviruses.. I think it's just making me over analyze everything!