For some reason I have been fixated on the act of V* today- I keep thinking about it- which in turn is making me feel it Do you guys think V* is always accompanied by an upset stomach?... or can it happen while the stomach is perfectly settled? Whenever I get anxiety about V* it's never really in my stomach- it's always in my throat- like that feeling I could start gagging if I really think about it... or if I eat too much..I always feel it in my throat- barely ever the belly... this worries me because I never know whether it's my anxiety (which it is half the time) or real N*... blahhh It's so frustrating because some days it barely bothers me and other days its all I can think about- I start thinking about it so much I bring on the other symptoms such as watery mouth and a stomach ache. Then I start googling information about V* and the throat and stomach and of course that makes you think too much as well! HELP!