I'm very freaked out because I have a very strange feeling in my stomach and I have NO IDEA what could be causing it. It started off as very mild nausea and I really thought nothing of it, thought maybe it was being caused by dehydration. but then i drank a ton of water, and i ate some greek yogurt, and the feeling got way worse. it's like a mix of nausea and cramping in my stomach and it's really, really uncomfortable. I really don't know what to do. the pain is sort of around my ribs. it feels a lot like period cramps, but over my ribs and above my stomach rather than under my belly button. i just took chewable pepto tablets. i'm really scared. the thing that's scaring me the most is that it's sort have been building up and getting worse and worse day by day, and I don't know what's causing it. help!!!