So, many of you know that we've had the bug 3x this year. Just last month DH & DS had it so I thought for sure we're in the clear now! Last week my grandmother died and we had to put our cat down. I am due for AF is due (so I am extra anxious). I came home from work today and DH was in bed with a bucket. I immediately wanted to RUN. He said that he was just feeling 'blah', heavy stomach, tired, etc. He said that he was feeling bad since about 11:30. I ran to get him a Zofran which he took and immediately started to feel better. I inquired about what he'd eaten which was some pancakes and 2 bananas and ginger ale at around noon. I came home at 3. He now feels pretty much back to normal (though he said he'd like to poo). Is the Zofran masking a bug? I am anxious that the boys are going to be up v* AGAIN.

He swears that he didn't ever feel as bad today as he did the last time he got the bug, so I pushed why the heck he had the bucket and he said that he just wanted to be sure that if it went that way he'd be prepared.

He's chipper, talking and annoyed that I am freaking out so much.

Be honest - do you think it's a bug or just a random nothing? If it was a bug would he be feeling this well due to the Zofran? Would he either have d* or v*?

Replies SO appreciated!!!!