Long story short, I had a throat swab go horribly wrong. The poor girl was new (I sure hope she was), and she jabbed the wooden part of the stick into the back of my throat. It hurt a lot, and continues to hurt.

However, since then, I've had this horrible feeling very akin to my gag reflex being triggered, but slow and lingering. It's a very strange nausea. My throat feels uncomfortably "open", if that makes sense. My stomach has this horrible acid-y feeling, and burping tastes straight up like stomach acid. What can I do? I'm so scared that I'll end up v*ing, or that it'll get infected, or that it won't go away, and I'm going on vacation in 3 days (another source of anxiety all together... which I won't go in to) and I'm terrified it won't be gone by then!

I'm trying to stay calm because I have no problem swallowing and I'm ok with drinking water. But the feeling won't go away. Any advice wouldl be greatly appreciated!