So, I posted about being sick last night with a fever and diarrhea but no v*. I think I may have a mild diarrhea bug, but tonight I started having this strange feeling. It started out as a lump in my throat. Then it started to feel like food was coming up my throat. (I have acid reflux, but in the fives years I have been diagnosed with it I have never had this symptom.) i haven't eaten anything but toast today and that was almost twelve hours ago, so I'm sure that's not what is in my throat. I've taken Dramamine tonight but it doesn't feel like a stuck pill and the feeling came a few hours before the throat feeling. Then the strangest symptom is whatever this is is making me swallow involuntary. I don't even realize it's going to happen, it just does it on its own. Has anyone else had this symptom? Also, I nearly gagged when taking a sip of my Gatorade. Have a slight pain in the middle of my stomach between my ribs, and a "butterflies in your tummy" feeling.

Before i v* I usually get this weird feeling like a head rush and shooting of adrenaline going down my body, if that makes sense, and I keep getting those in waves, it's starting to happen again. I'm so I'm scared I'm going to v*. Can anyone help, please?

Also, my vision got fuzzy and I saw double a couple of times. I feel very weak, fatigued and my body is aching.

Not pregnant or due for a period, by the way.