Hi there,

I am new to these boards so just reading through. I just am so fed up now of this anxiety. I have known I hav had OCD since a teenager, I am now in my early 20s. I have had therapy for OCD and it did help and I try to remain mindful even if I still get stressed with it. Most of my OCD was germs but some superstitious and responsibility OCD.

My main fear of germs is mainly because I fear vomiting. The fear died down a bit but I have been sick a few times I think from norovirus in the last few years and I am now always terrified of norovirus. My job involves people and customer contact and I have, on a few occasions been exposed to people being ill. And whenever I do, I get such fear I start panicking, I want to cry, I wash my hands until they bleed but not in the same restroom as they have been in. I retrace my steps, when I get home antibacterial anything and everything I may have touched. But not in a precautionary normal way that takes 2 minutes. Even when doing this I still worry.

if I see someone who may hav norovirus I get so worried I obsess over everything, where I touch, if I came in contact etc etc.

Dont get me started on winter - I dread those sickness bugs going around so much I get depressed! It's getting me so down and worse thing is I know I can't change it!

Just down in the dumps about this today!