I missed my son's graduation thanks to emetophobia and I feel like the biggest loser on the planet. I wanted to go, I wanted to see my son graduate, I'm so proud of him. I got ready, put on the suit and tie, and headed out. Didn't get too far before ALL the crazy overwhelming symptoms hit me full on and I couldn't - I just couldn't do it. In tears I turned around and went back home. A grown man crying because I couldn't push past my fear not even for such a big milestone in my son's life. What kind of parent misses their own kid's graduation because of a stupid fear of vomiting? That's more than not normal. That's seriously messed up.

I knew before this that my emetophobia was serious but missing my son's graduation, WOW, it hit me hard just how severe and out of control my fear's become. Eventually my son will marry and have children, will I miss those milestones too because on the most important days of my son's life I'm falling apart like a cheap suitcase? I'm a man, I should be able to suck it up and push through it and when I can't I feel like a piece of shit.

My wife always goes to things on her own because I'm either having panic attacks, or something's going on where I'm scared I might throw up, and lately I've started getting agoraphobic so venturing out has become its own unique problem. When does it end??? This is no way to live, this has got to stop!