Every summer I get anxious about rotavirus. As some of you know, I am WAY more anxious about my boys having a sv* than me. My oldest had rota when he was a baby, it was AWFUL (for me, not him) and I hated every moment of it. I don't like the idea of them being ill, but the fact that rotavirus lasts for days on end terrifies me. Here's my question that I want HONEST answers to. My youngest son will be 4 in September. He's had bugs (3 or 4) in which he's v*. In fact, when he was a little over a year he had a bug where he would wake up to v* for a few days, didn't each much, etc. The thing is, my oldest never had the 'terrible d*' that everyone talks about but was actually diagnosed. Now my youngest hasn't either. Do you think he's already had it or is this something that's 'looming'? I didn't know about the vaccine and for some reason my pediatrician doesn't give the rotavirus vac. Is this something that I can assume he's had and relax a bit, or should I 'be ready' for it this coming fall/winter? I know it sounds silly, thanks SO MUCH for those that read this and take the time to reply!