Hi Everyone,

My 11 year old son is at his first sleep away camp. Anyone every hear of Camp Woodward in PA? It's a sports camp and he is going there for BMX biking. We just dropped him yesterday for a week. It's huge and seems really nice with tons of ramps to ride on, it's in the middle of PA, farms, Amish, as far as the eye could see.

Anyway, he seems fine but I am quite nervous. I am worrying, not so much about him hurting himself or breaking a bone, but...you guessed it, him getting sick!!! (idiotic phobia!!). He will be pretty much on his own, and they have great food there, but I am afraid he will be eating wayyyy too much junk food. I try to keep us fairly healthy here so he will enjoy eating the forbidden foods there. Also, I am worried that he will be drinking energy drinks. Red Bull is a sponsor there so it is everywhere. I told him never to drink those as they are dangerous. He understood and said he wouldn't but....

I know that I need to relax and LET GO. Control is one of my biggest problems. But I am so afraid if he's sick and by himself, kind of. And then the selfish part of me says that if he's sick there, I won't have to deal with it. It's so hard when it's your kids and you have to let them go, trust that they know their own bodies, hunger, etc. UGH! I really don't want to worry all week. We are thinking of calling him tonight just to see if he's okay and he likes it. Maybe that will make me feel better. Moms?? How did you survive your kids' camp???