Hey guys, it's been a while since I last posted here. But I have been doing OK recently and sort of forgot about this site. (How could I?!)

Anyways, I'm going to Whitby in 2 hours time and I will be on the coach for at least 3 and a half hours. I always start feeling nauseous if I'm on a bus over an hour, so I'm feeling scared.. It's SO annoying because I actually feel really nauseous now for no reason, and I have a stomach ache.. I'm supposed to be thinking about how AWESOME the day is going to be, but my stupid brain is just worrying about how nauseous I'm feeling right now and if I might v* on the coach..

Sorry for my language but, screw you emetophobia!

Is there anything I can do or take before I go? I do have some anti-sickness tablets but I don't think they work.. My poor sister took one and happened to v* RIGHT next to me last time we were on a coach, so you can imagine how panicky I was feeling at that time.