This evening I went to my weight-loss group and was standing in the queue/in line with my Mum, who had paid for both of us already, when I heard the lady in front of us say that she has had a really nasty stomach bug/virus this week. I immediately walked out the room and my mum followed.

I insisted that Mum showered (I said I'd be unable to eat in the house for a couple of days if she didn't which is true) and I cleaned the bathroom with bleach and showered (tbh this was partly in bleach too).

Were we exposed?

I think we were because Mum got change from her bank note and had to touch our weight-loss cards and I held her handbag for her. I had a session with my psychologist today (I have co-morbid severe OCD) and was just starting to make a plan for dealing with my emetophobia but now I feel like hiding in my room again!!