I'm going away to university in a few weeks and will be living/eating on campus for at least two years (minus breaks, of course). Unfortunately, after a bit of sv in January, my emet has gotten really bad; it's devolved into constant paranoia, insane amounts of hand washing, and some interesting obsessive compulsive tendencies. I am not posting here, however, to vent or anything.
Rather, I want to know if any of you have tips for staying noro-free in college until I can move off-campus? I am really very anxious about getting sick in college - I have heard that freshmen who aren't used to living in such close proximity get all kinds of sick all the time.

The college I will be attending is a fairly small university (student population of 5,800), I will be living in a small 2 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 bathroom suite with 3 unknown people who may or may not be filthy, non-handwashing ingrates (joking, joking... They seem alright. But they still might be unclean), and I will be eating lunch and dinner more or less daily in 1 of 3 dining halls.

I have reason to consider myself at no particular elevated risk of noro - I take a vitamin daily, get 9-11 hours of sleep every night, am obsessively clean, and get a fair amount of exercise all in the name of improving my immunity. Furthermore, on the topic of immunity, I am confidant I've got a demigod-like immune system (or... did before I got noro a few months back and started this new regime which has yet to be proven one way or the other); both of my parents are never sick and haven't v'd for over 30 years. Ignoring my latest run-in with noro, the last time I v'd was about 10 years ago in 3rd grade (although before this indecent, I remember v'ing at least 5 other times in the course of my life, but that was because of my young age and increased exposure in grade school, right?), I typically average 1 cold per year (again due to my exposure in school I think), and I never v more than once per illness if at all.

Wow, that turned out longer than I anticipated. Anyways, do any of you have advice? Anything is appreciated, thanks.