Hi, guys. I'm going to be going to an amusement park later this summer with my stepmom, my sister, and her girlfriend. I have ridiculously bad emetophobia(even just hearing/reading words associated with it gives me pretty bad anxiety). With my phobia, I'm not worried about getting sick myself at all, only other people. All three people going tend to get sick very easily(even just on cars), but love roller coasters. I love them too, but I'm panicking about the fact that one of them almost certainly get sick sometime in the trip.

I've explained my phobia to my stepmother, and I plan to tell my sister, but I have a feeling they won't take it very seriously. I'm half considering staying home, but I really really love rides, just not other people getting sick on them.

I'm thinking I'll aim to sit toward the front of the roller coasters and wear a hoodie with the hood up. Any other ideas or advice?